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The dem和 for accounting graduates is obvious—with nationwide job growth for accountants 和 auditors projected to be 11.根据美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)的数据,到2029年,这一比例将达到2%. 这种增长需要大量的会计专业毕业生. 然而, not anyone can become an accountant—there’s very specific coursework required to join this growing field.

但是你怎么知道一个会计学位是否值得呢? 十大正规赌博平台大全排行收集了有关就业增长的信息, career prospects 和 the benefits of an accounting degree to help you determine if an accounting degree is right for you.


简短的回答是肯定的. 如果你想从事会计工作, 金融或商业, getting a bachelor’s or master’s degree in accounting is a great investment in your career.

Here’s why accounting is a great degree for the current 和 future job market:

  • 会计将永远是必要的: There’s a saying that taxes are one of two certainties in this world—which is a good thing for accountants. 但并不是所有的会计师都专注于税务, 财务责任和准确性对任何企业来说都是必不可少的. 即使技术进步,自动化程度提高, accountants will be needed for their critical thinking skills 和 strategic input.
  • 对会计师和审计师的需求正在增长: 目前,有超过1个.在美国有300万个会计和审计员的工作, 与125年,平均每月发布085个职位. +, the accounting field is expected to keep growing at a rate much faster than average for all occupations.
  • 会计学位可能比你想象的更灵活: 会计学位是任何商业职业的良好基础. Whether you have aspirations to work at top leadership levels in an organization or start your own business, an accounting degree provides a general business core 和 deep expertise in financial regulations, 职责与汇报.


会计 degrees are specialized business degrees that are also very flexible.

“An accounting degree gives you the ability to see the entire financial picture, 同时也非常善于分析和注重细节,安妮特·霍尔泽说, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行会计系主任. “会计学位教会你毅力, critical thinking 和 problem solving that can prepare you for any number of career paths.”

These are some of the top jobs you can get with different levels of accounting education:

  • 对于没有注册会计师证书的会计专业学生:簿记, accounting 和 auditing clerks are entry-level positions that focus on the administrative aspects of accounting. 这是在考取注册会计师之前积累经验的好方法. 如果你对防止欺诈感兴趣, 你可以追求财务审查员的工作, which can be a long-term career or a training ground for becoming a forensic accountant.
  • For those with a bachelor’s degree in accounting 和 a CPA: The CPA is the most well-known accounting designation. No other certifications have the ability to write audit reports or give opinions on publicly traded company financials, 是什么让注册会计师自然而然地成为会计师或审计师.
  • For people with an accounting master’s degree 和 a CPA: Corporate controllers, treasurers 和 risk managers are all types of financial managers where a master’s degree in accounting 和 a CPA (or other finance certification) can help you excel.
  • For accounting majors who want to work in a different area of finance: Getting an accounting degree doesn’t mean you have to become a public accountant. You will also be prepared for jobs in the larger scope of business 和 finance, 包括财务分析师, 预算分析师和运筹学分析师.



会计学位的学费差别很大. The degree level, type of institution 和 time to graduation are all important variables. 帮助你开始了解会计学位的成本, here are the average yearly tuition rates for bachelor’s 和 master’s degrees.

四年制公立大学硕士学位 $8,990



  • Explore online programs that provide lower cost-per-credit hour tuition rates 和 more flexibility in completing your degree.
  • Find a university with a generous transfer credit policy that will allow you to apply any previously earned credits or professional credentials toward your degree.
  • 通过考虑费用来考虑你的学位的总成本, 外部成本和融资机会, 而不仅仅是学费.


准备好进入会计行业了? 在十大正规赌博平台大全排行的免费会计职业指南中获得每个职业阶段的见解.



A bachelor’s degree qualifies you for entry-level positions 和 is a first step to meeting requirements for a CPA. But if you want to take your bachelor’s degree in accounting to the next level consider:

  • 完成会计硕士学位. 要获得注册会计师资格,你需要完成150个学分, which is typically 30 more credit hours than a bachelor’s degree 和 the number of credits required for a master’s degree in accounting. 如果你必须上这些课的话, why not gain another credential that can help set you apart 和 increase your salary expectations? 
  • 获得注册会计师执照. 注册会计师是公共会计师的黄金标准. 如果你想在会计事务所工作, 大公司或政府, 你很可能需要你的注册会计师资格来晋升入门级职位.
  • 获得专业的金融认证. 如果你想在风险管理等领域专攻, 金融与投资, 管理会计, 税务或审计, getting certified in these areas will help you set yourself up for success.


一个会计学位会教会你一些硬性的和可转移的技能, giving you a well-rounded skill set that prepares you need to succeed in nearly every facet of business.



十大正规赌博平台大全排行 offers fully-online bachelor’s 和 master’s degrees in accounting, 为在职专业人士完成学位提供灵活性. 所有十大正规赌博平台大全排行教师都有丰富的专业经验, providing unique insights that help you apply theory to real-world situations. +, coursework is constantly updated to reflect industry dem和 和 integrate new technologies.

探索十大正规赌博平台大全排行的 会计学士学位会计硕士学位 看看这些学位是如何帮助你实现职业目标的.

Get tips for success from 10 in-field experts to help you climb the career ladder 和 increase your earning potential.